White Collar Crimes

White Collar crimes refer to non-violent crimes committed for the purpose of personal financial gain. Some of these offences include:

  • Tax Evasion
  • Fraud
  • Forgery
  • Identity Theft
  • Violating Intellectual Property Rights
  • Telemarketing Fraud

Fraud is a type of non-violent property offence that covers a broad range of acts, such as using another person’s credit card without their knowledge or consent, falsifying insurance or employment-related records, or engaging in complex schemes that result in substantial financial loss to an individual or a corporation.

Fraud is legally defined as depriving someone of their property, money, or other valuable security or service, through deceit or dishonesty.

Fraud is divided into two categories:

  1. Fraud over $5,000
  2. Fraud less than $5,000

In order to be found guilty of fraud in Canada, the Prosecutor will be required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt:

  • That there was a dishonest act, or an act of deceit or falsehood;
  • That there was some sort of economic loss or deprivation suffered by the targeted complainant, or that the complainant was put at a risk of pecuniary loss;
  • That you were subjectively aware of the fraudulent act; and
  • That you knew that the act would cause another economic deprivation, or that you were wilfully blind or reckless as to whether the act would cause another economic deprivation.


If you have been charged with any of these offences, call nikolas now at 613-233-2542